
Wednesday, September 28, 2011

End of September

We are coming to the end of September and wow have we learned a lot!!  Right now we are working on nouns and writing a paragraphs.  In math we are working on subtraction strategies and in science we will start weather next week. 

The Fall festival is coming up and we are all excited.  I hope to see everyone there.  Along with that thank you all for the supprt this year.  We are off to a great start!!

Nouns activity

Thursday, September 22, 2011

mentos experiment part 3

Last part of experiment!

Mentos Experiment

Second part of experiment!
This is part of a science experiment we did yesterday......what fun for the kids. they especially likes it almost getting me!!

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Interviewing- asking questions

This week we are learning about asking questions.  So today we interviewed each other and then shared with the class what we learned about our partner.  They had fun and really started to open up with one another.